Jad Sarsour, an adept lawyer, offers assistance in navigating Virginia traffic courts. Upon receiving a Virginia traffic ticket, consulting with an experienced Virginia traffic lawyer is crucial. Opting to pre-pay the ticket without appearing in court constitutes pleading guilty, leading to a conviction on your driving record.
The DMV in Virginia assigns points to your driver’s license for various traffic convictions. If you accumulate a high number of points within a short period, the DMV may suspend your license. Consulting a Virginia traffic lawyer is crucial to understanding the impact of a traffic conviction on your driving record.
Jad Sarsour, a Virginia lawyer, handles a variety of traffic infractions in Virginia. Some of the most prevalent offenses include:
Consulting with a Virginia traffic lawyer allows for a tailored discussion regarding your specific charge and the potential repercussions it might have on both your driving and criminal records.
1. Hit and Run
2. Driving on a Temporarily Revoked License
3. Operating a Vehicle without a License
4. Reckless Driving
5. Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
Possible consequences for these offenses include fines, imprisonment, and the suspension of driving privileges. It’s crucial to seek guidance from a Virginia traffic attorney regarding your situation.
Jad Sarsour represents clients in all Northern Virginia courts. Reach out to your Virginia traffic lawyer today to address your traffic citation.
Facing criminal charges in Virginia? Don’t wait, protect your rights today! Contact us for expert legal representation and guidance. Your future is at stake – call now.
Call: (703) 385-6868
jad@firstpointlaw.com Mon – Sun 24 hours